Hypertension or High blood pressure and blood sugar are two major ailments that make middle aged into health defensive situation. Many of our middle aged population have to go for regular and life long medication and health problems due to these to diseases. Here are some in depth study into these problems that give a kick start to many other diseases. We discuss the basics, precautions and treatments for these two ailments in next few blogs.
The blood pressure reaches its highest levels in the large arteries near the heart and drop off towards the areas of the areas of the circulatory system. The blood pressure varies in accordance with the beating of the heart when the heart contracts, squeezing the blood out, the pressure inside the blood vessels is said to be systolic,and when the heart expands, sucking the blood back in, the pressure of the blood inside the blood vessels is said to be diastolic.
Hypertension or High blood pressure, which is most common among the adults and the old,if left unattended, can cause many health problems including stroke heart attack etc. It is therefore necessary to control the blood pressure to prevent it from becoming high,by reducing salt dietary regimens, and by controlling the subject's activities. Even people who are born with high blood pressure can prevent the progress of high blood pressure by means of adequate control.
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