Saturday, August 25, 2007

Semen Loss – Two Arguments

There are two strong arguments about semen loss. One I have read on recently.

Modern medicine is all positive about semen loss. For them it is just like any other body discharges like stool, urine, sweet etc. The Modern doctors find no harm in this body discharge, but they feel that it is a normal outcome and you are meant to do so while masturbation or natural ejaculation. Semen loss during sleep and through urine is normal for an allopathic doctor. That is they just not bothered about such a discharge and its effects.

On the contrary the ancient health sciences are all very reserved about this discharge. The ayurveda practitioners say that the semen discharge must be restricted or stopped to control the energy loss due to this wonderful fluid. For ayurveda the process of making a drop of semen is very longer and important digested food becomes pre-blood plasma, Pre-blood plasma changes to blood, A part of blood becomes muscle, muscle transforms into fat, An extract of fat transforms into bone, the meat of the bone transforms into marrow, And finally a portion of marrow becomes semen. Yes it is made in hard way and it is very important. The body is taking a long process and a lot of materials to produce semen. The loss of semen is loss of ‘Ojus’- the energy.

Are you confused and want to read more on this subject? It is advised to go through such articles as this is directly related to our body and life. Here is one wonderful site that talks about these articles. is such a site you will find a lot of articles on semen loss and the Ayurveda approach towards semen loss. is a public service site on the medical and scientific facts about the results of excess semen loss.


Ayurvedic Intro

Ayurveda is the knowledge of health and longevity which dates back thousands of years penned down in Sanskrit from Ancient India. The exact dates are difficult to pin down since Ayurveda claims to have come into existence along with humans as a means of instruction.
According to Ayurveda there is a system by which the body produces its necessities from food

  • Food through digestion becomes a type of pre-blood plasma
  • Pre-blood plasma changes through a more subtle digestion to blood
  • A part of blood through another process becomes muscle
  • An essence of muscle transforms into fat
  • An extract of fat transforms into bone
  • The meat of the bone transforms into marrow
  • And finally from a portion of marrow comes semen and other reproductive substances

According to the Ayurvedic understanding of the creation of body tissues (dhatus) it takes anywhere from 60-100 drops of blood to make one drop of semen.

So what? According to Ayurveda, semen in the body is essential for building the body and making it healthy. It is a fine substance that is actually in blood and then taken out by the testicles to be ejaculated. It is actually extracted when the body gets physically aroused and stored in the testicles. That is why one gets nocturnal emissions, one is thinking about sex subtly and not so subtly and then all the stored up semen gets discharged.

But here is the interesting thing. If the semen in the blood does not get collected into the testicles, it can transform itself into another substance, ojas.
Ojas is the most subtle of all “substances.” It gives a person their glow and good qualities like good health, bodily luster, stamina, inner strength, and a strong immune system. So why doesn’t “science” tell us this?

Where is the scientific study of two men, one who needs to wack his pud to go to sleep every night and the other who is happy and contented without polishing his rocket every day. So, strictly scientifically speaking, which do you think will be more healthy, optimistic, determined to do something with his life, satisfied, and strong? (and more attractive to the ladies?)

Based on what you feel like after you have just given your best friend a spit shine, what do you think the science would say?
Ayurveda concludes explaining how semen is extremely valuable and should not be wasted whimsically. And science upto a few years ago completely agreed with ancient wisdom like Ayurveda.

Enough of my blathering, Read More at.

Introduction to your body

OK, lets face facts, we have no idea how the cheez puffs we eat turn into a nice well formed mass of stool a few hours later. Our body just does it. If we get cut we don’t have to tell our body to heal the cut. Bodies in nature have remarkably similar mechanisms. The cuts in animals heal similar to the way our cuts heal. In other words, there are many mechanisms in our body which our conscious mind is not aware of and scientists for millennia are trying to document and understand. Yes folks, science is busy trying to understand how that well formed piece of turd came into existence and how to maximize that efficiency. So what does semen do in our bodies? Well it is something our body produces (duh). Our body produces a bunch of different substances, blood, flesh, fat, bone, marrow and other hormones which are necessary for our good health and well being. Our body also excretes by-products
of these functions; stool, bile, mucus, sweat, etc. So is semen something like blood where you don’t want to lose too much or is it like mucus where you can blow all you want? So where does semen fit in? Well you can analyze the semen into its chemical constituents and try to figure out where it fits in. We can run a pH test, we could smell it, tell its color, tell how many different chemicals per each gram, etc, until we get bored.

So what is semen? (for the third time) Well any teenager with a sex drive and a few unanswered questions will end up finding out how good it feels to masturbate. It releases tensions, and stops the excitement that is just eating you alive. So, getting rid of semen feels good for awhile. So when our body ejaculates it feels good. Therefore keep doing it more and you will feel even better!!!!!!!! Right?

So lets get started as to the basis of semen from a point of view of ANCIENT WISDOM. Hey wait, aren’t those contradictory terms, ANCIENT and WISDOM? Why should we listen to what people USED to think. Now we are modern, we got cell phones, microwave ovens, XBOX’s, not to mention Tupperware, water that comes in bottles with bubbles in it, chewing gum and fast cars.

OK, you are right, you are modern and advanced, still, lets hear out the voices of the past, just so we may sit back disdainfully, laugh and understand our intellectual superiority in a more complete way!

The cost of semen discharge.What is that white stuff that comes out of your sexual part after you manage to excite yourself beyond the point of no return? Your body feels something resembling pleasure and you get a well-deserved relief from all your tensions and you can just let yourself relax. Sounds nice and harmless enough. Modern authorities say “No problem. Just do it whenever you like.”

Before you Wax your Willy we want to tell you something about your body and the role of semen. So give us 15 minutes, look around the site and then you can get back to your main business of opening up those website with the plastic boobied chicks and Thumping your Pud so that you can fall asleep in a well-deserved oblivion.

According to the Ayurveda understanding of the creation of body tissues (dhatus) it takes anywhere from 60-100 drops of blood to make one drop of semen. According to Ayurveda, semen in the body is essential for building the body and making it healthy. It is a fine substance that is actually in blood and then taken out by the testicles to be ejaculated. It is actually extracted when the body gets physically aroused and stored in the testicles. That is why one gets nocturnal emissions, one is thinking about sex subtly and not so subtly and then all the stored up semen gets discharged.

But here is the interesting thing. If the semen in the blood does not get collected into the testicles, it can transform itself into another substance, ojas. Ojas is the most subtle of all “substances.” It gives a person their glow and good qualities like good health, bodily luster, stamina, inner strength, and a strong immune system. So why doesn’t “science” tell us this?

Where is the scientific study of two men, one who needs to wack his pud to go to sleep every night and the other who is happy and contented without polishing his rocket every day. So, strictly scientifically speaking, which do you think will be more healthy, optimistic, determined to do something with his life, satisfied, and strong? (and more attractive to the ladies?)


Amanushya said...

Very useful article and I read - Amanushya

Amanushya said...

Though not very related, those who are interested in this might be interested in my blog too -

ramananda said...

its 1000000000000000000000000000% right that SEMEN is all life.once my guruji, late swami sivananda was asked by a famous doctor to challenge n prove this to the world.poor swamiji,relutant to show his wits,has put it in abc and told that"the mere fact that semen produces life is itself the fact that semen is life itself"

for more info on this pls visit the site DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY and look for the book PRACTICE OF BRAMHACHARYA BY SWAMI SIVANANDA.u can get this for free online in pdf format.


shivramsinh chudasama said...

hi satnanda, ireaaly agreewith u and would also lik to know whether semen loss also affects pimples and i knowfewppl who regularly do it but still manage to have a superb physique and good skin.

Gopal Krishna said...

Some brahmacharya material here.

Anonymous said...

Nice stuff!!...All your points are really so nice..In this post...there is lots of information about semen loss ...Thanks for explain that awesome post...
