Resveratrol is a phytoalexin
produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi. Resveratrol has also been produced by chemical synthesis and is sold as a nutritional supplement. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found largely in the skins of red grapes used to treat diseases of the blood vessels, heart and liver. Experiments have shown that resveratrol treatment extended the life of fruit flies, nematode worms and short living fish but it did not increase the life span of mice. Several scientific studies are going on to establish the powers of Resveratrol to cure bad effects of high calorie diet and as a nutritional supplement. 
Reservatol Supplement came to scientific attention only a few years ago, scientists noticed the low incidence of heart disease among the French people, who eat a relatively high-fat diet. Researchers at the Harvard Medical School and the National Institute on Aging report that a natural substance found in red wine, known as resveratrol, offsets the bad effects of a high-calorie diet in mice and significantly extends their lifespan.
The Truth About Reservatol Supplements is debated a lot. There are many articles, blogs and reviews appearing on the internet about various aspects of Reservatol Supplements on daily basis. Some are worth your attention and some are not. Here at you find many Resveratrol Reviews. You may find several links to Resveratrol articles and information.

Reservatol Supplement came to scientific attention only a few years ago, scientists noticed the low incidence of heart disease among the French people, who eat a relatively high-fat diet. Researchers at the Harvard Medical School and the National Institute on Aging report that a natural substance found in red wine, known as resveratrol, offsets the bad effects of a high-calorie diet in mice and significantly extends their lifespan.
The Truth About Reservatol Supplements is debated a lot. There are many articles, blogs and reviews appearing on the internet about various aspects of Reservatol Supplements on daily basis. Some are worth your attention and some are not. Here at you find many Resveratrol Reviews. You may find several links to Resveratrol articles and information.